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Affiliated Product Choice Funds Eligible for Recurring Investment Income Producing Funds Exclude funds that are closed to new investors. Advanced Mutual Fund SearchDefine your criteria below to narrow the universe of mutual funds. Out of 6020 mutual funds in the universe, we found 6020 that match your criteria selections. Fund Profile Fund Category Symbol -- Choice Funds Show only Choice Funds. -- Eligible for Recurring Investment Eligible for Recurring Investment. -- Commentary Show only Funds with Commentary. -- -- Funds Open to New Investors Exclude funds that are closed to new investors. -- -- Cumulative Matches-- Performance 1 Month Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & Sales3 Month Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & Sales6 Month Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & SalesYTD Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & Sales1 Year Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & Sales3 Year Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & Sales5 Year Load Adjusted ReturnNon-Load Adjusted ReturnAfter Taxes on DistributionAfter Taxes on Dist. & Sales-- -- -- Cumulative Matches-- Expenses Cumulative Matches-- Risk Cumulative Matches-- Portfolio Cumulative Matches-- Technicals -- Cumulative Matches-- | 0 ResultsTo generate new results, select from Predefined Strategies, Saved Searches or defined your custom criteria to narrow the universe of mutual funds. 12b-1Certain mutual funds charge ongoing 12b-1 fees to cover marketing and distribution expenses. Typically between 0.25% and 1.0% of total assets, the exact amount can be found in a fund’s prospectus fee table. |
1. E*TRADE credits and offers may be subject to U.S. withholding taxes and reporting at retail value. Taxes related to these credits and offers are the customer’s responsibility. You will not receive cash compensation for any unused free trade commissions. Excludes current Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, a business of Morgan Stanley associates, and non-U.S. residents. This offer is not valid for Unincorporated Organization or Morgan Stanley Private Bank accounts. New funds or securities must remain in the account (minus any trading losses) for a minimum of six months or the credit may be surrendered. One promotion per customer. E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley reserves the right to terminate this offer at any time. Consult your tax professional regarding limits on depositing and rolling over qualified assets. |